Love & Relationship the basic need of every person in the entire world. If someone tell you that they don't need love, they are most likely not telling you the truth.It is an emotion which surpasses us all,we cannot fully understand it no matter how hard we try or how intelligent we are.Just wanna share my collection (thanks to the person who wrote it) about love & relationship. Let bring love to our world..we live under the same sun & we walk under the same moon,but why we can live as "ONE"?..peace

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

HuRt anD PaiN

This is lovely story, which I must share with you, for you to read and ponder... A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:"TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE."They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone:"TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE."The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him,"After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you wrote on a stone,why?"The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your benefits in stone.They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire lifetime to forget them

Senarai Kekurangan Dan Keburukan

A very touching story (malay version)

Seorang lelaki dan kekasihnya bernikah dan acara pernikahannya sungguh megah. Semua kawan-kawan dan keluarga mereka hadir menyaksikan dan menikmati hari yang berbahagia tersebut. Suatu acara yang luar biasa dan sungguh mengesankan.Mempelai wanita begitu cantik dan anggun dalam gaun putihnya dan pengantin lelaki dengan tuxedo hitam yang gagah. Setiap pasang mata yang memandang setuju mengatakan bahawa mereka sungguh-sungguh saling mencintai dan sepadan.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, si isteri berkata kepada suaminya, "Abang,saya baru membaca sebuah artikel dlm majalah tentang bagaimana memperkuatkan hubungan dan tali pernikahan kita" katanya manja sambil menunjukkan majalah tersebut."Masing-masing kita akan mencatatkan hal-hal yang kurang kita sukai dari pasangan kita. Kemudian, kita akan membahas bagaimana kita mengubah hal-hal tersebut dan membuatkan perkahwinan kita bersama lebih bahagia... .."

Suaminya setuju dan mereka mula memikirkan hal-hal dari pasangannya yang tidak mereka sukai dan berjanji tidak akan tersinggung ketika pasangannya mencatat hal-hal yang kurang baik sebab hal tersebut untuk kebaikan mereka bersama. Malam itu mereka sepakat untuk berpisah tidur dan mencatat apa yang terlintas dalam benak mereka masing-masing.

Besok pagi ketika sarapan, mereka sedia membincangkannya. " Saya akan mulakan dulu ya", kata isteri. Ia lalu mengeluarkan senarainya. Banyak sekali yang ditulisnya, sekitar 3 muka surat. Ketika ia mulai membacakan satu persatu hal yang tidak dia sukai dari suaminya, ia memperhatikan bahawa airmata suaminya mulai mengalir... .."Maafkan saya bang, apakah saya harus berhenti ?" tanyanya."Oh..tak apa, teruskanlah sayang... " jawab suaminya.

Dan si isteri terus membacakan semua yang tersenarai, lalu kembali melipat kertasnya dengan manis di atas meja dan berkata dengan bahagia"Sekarang giliran abang membacakan senarai yang abang tulis".Dengan suara perlahan suaminya berkata "Abang tidak mencatat sesuatupun diatas kertas ini. Abang berfikir bahawa dirimu sudah sempurna, dan abang sekali-kali tidak ingin mengubah akan dirimu. Abang menyayangi dan menyintaimu kerana dirimu seadanya. Awak terlalu cantik dan baik bagi abang. Tidak satupun dari peribadimu yang tidak menyenangkanku,sayang... ."

Si isteri tersentak dan tersentuh hatinya oleh pernyataan dan ungkapan cinta serta isi hati suaminya. Bahawa suaminya menerimanya apa adanya... Ia menunduk dan menangis.

Dalam hidup ini, banyak kali kita merasa dikecewakan, depressi, dan sakit hati. Sesungguhnya tak perlu menghabiskan waktu memikirkan hal-hal tersebut. Hidup ini penuh dengan keindahan,kesukacitaan dan pengharapan.Mengapa harus menghabiskan waktu memikirkan perkara yang buruk,mengecewakan dan menyakitkan jika kita boleh menemukan banyak hal-hal yang indah yang baik dan yang boleh kita terima di sekeliling kita? Kita akan menjadi orang yang berbahagia jika kita mampu melihat dan bersyukur untuk hal-hal yang baik dan mencuba melupakan yang buruk.

How to Have A Happier Relationship?

To have a happier relationship, try to avoid these behaviors as much as possible.

1. Telling him what to do

Are you constantly telling your man how to drive, how to dress, how to behave? Women are good at making improvements, but this highly sensitive area is off-limits. The most important thing to a Martian is doing a good job. Question his competence and you'll not only hurt him, but you'll meet a wall ofresistance.Instead of telling him what to do, try to ask for his opinion.Martians thrive in an environment where they are the experts, so help him bethe expert. Instead of saying, "Honey, you should do this." Ask his opinion, "Honey what do you think of this?" This allows him to share his thoughts and you get him involved in a conversation about whatever issue is on your mind. This simple trick is how you can help bring about improvements in your man without telling him what to do!

2. Breaking into his cave

This is a big "no-no" for Venusians. When a Martian has a problem, he goes to his cave (becomes quiet and withdrawn) to solve it.This is normal behavior, and during these times, he doesn't want to talk or be disturbed. If you follow him into his cave, or pressure him to talk, you're likely to encounter a fire-breathing dragon. When a Martian is forced out of their cave before they are ready it's a bit like waking a sleeping giant. If you give your Martian the space to work their issues out on their own you are showing them that you trust them. And trusting a Martian to do their best is one of the greatest gifts a Venusian can give their partner. So enjoy the time, see a movie, go out with friends, or simply relax? He'll be back soon enough.

3. Mothering and smothering him

Men can be big babies, so they're easy to mother, and of course, some mothering is readily accepted. The problem is when mothering becomes smothering. In effect, you're saying he isn't grown-up. He isn't competent. He can't handle things on his own. That's offensive. Also, mothering makes it difficult for him to see you in a romantic way! Instead trust him to handle his own issues, and when he doesn't, let him deal with the repercussions. When he needs your help he'll be sure to ask.

4. Asking him with "Could you ... ?"

When asking him for something, do you use the words "could you ... ?" It may seem like a minor point, but when you say, "could you take the trash out?" you're questioning whether or not he is capable of doing it. This is offensive to him. Instead, ask "would you take the trash out for me?" This shows you have confidence in him to handle the job and will be pleased to have him do it for you.

5. Pleasing you is what pleases him

Many women are unaware of what really turns men on in bed. One of his biggest turn-on's is knowing he is giving pleasure to you. He wants to see you aroused, excited, fulfilled. So, instead of worrying about pleasing him? Let him please you. When you receive the secrets of successful relationships, you'll learn to communicate your desires and other secrets to great sex! Try to avoid these 5 behaviors that drive men away and your relationship will be more successful, and your overall happiness will be greater.

Love does not need a reason...

Lady: Why do you like me..? Why do you love me?
Man: I can't tell the reason.. but I really like you..
Lady: You can't even tell me the reason... how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?
Man: I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.
Lady: Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but not you!
Man: Ok..ok!!! Erm... because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet,because you are caring, because you are loving, because you are thoughtful, because of your smile, because of your every movement!

Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with anaccident and became a vegetable. The Guy then placed aletter by her side, and here is the content:

Dearest,Because of your sweet voice that I love you... Now canyou talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you. Because of your care and concern that I like you.. Nowthat you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you. Because of your smile, because of your every movements that I love you.. Now can you smile? Now can you move?No, therefore I cannot love you... If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reasonfor me to love you anymore. Do love need a reason? No!Therefore, I still love you... And love doesn't need a reason. Now U know why?Luv dont need a reason, so that is why... I Love U.. to love someone is be loved by someone is something... to be loved by someone you love is exciting...

An Explanation

An emotion that has eluded many for centuries. Why do we feel the need to embark upon the journey of romantic love? What is it that draws us in?

Love is the basic need of every person in the entire world. If someone tell you that they don't need love, they are most likely not telling you the truth. It is an emotion which surpasses us all: we cannot fully understand it no matter how hard we try or how intelligent we are.

It has been immortalized in song lyrics, literature, the media, et cetera. We learn as children that we will grow up one day and meet our prince or princess and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, we learned as teenagers that the fairy tale is simply that: a tale. And we realize that we must forge our own path towards happiness - even if that means pricking our fingers on spindles or eating poisoned apples or losing our glass slippers.

We also realize that love has many different subcategories and definitions - and that our subcategories and definitions may differ with others, especially our parents.

So how can we learn how to find the right person for us and how to be with them and how to keep them and how to make it work and how to be happy? While there is no way to give an universal answer to each of those questions, there are some helpful guidelines that I live by.

We each go through stages in our life. We aren't the same "person" one year that we are the next year. Therefore, one person may be right for you at one time in your life, and not right for you if you had met them one year earlier or one year later. So take advantage of the opportunity you have with them right then. Carpe diem - Seize the day.

Once you have found someone that makes you feel amazing, glad to be who you are, and inspired about life, then you may have found the right person for you at that time in your life. Let them know how you feel, if you know that informing them won't hurt the friendship or damage anything. You don't want to lose someone that you truly care for - but there may be an underlying paradox: telling them how you feel may hurt the relationship, but failing to tell them may also hurt the relationship. It is up to you to decide which category fits in with your situation and life.

Keep the relationship honest. Keep it fun. At our age, nothing seems to last forever. Friends come and go, people move away, schools change, family situations transform. We never know where we seem to stand with anything. The only constant is ourselves. If and/or when you find someone who truly cares about you and someone that truly cares about you and you've entered a relationship, a natural tendency is to become very scared. Scared of losing them; the "too good to be true" complex that so commonly plagues teenagers. You might as well learn about love and learn about life through the relationship. Don't worry about getting too serious at a young age. Keep the activities fun and creative and you'll find that love can be very enjoyable and exciting and inspiring and overwhelmingly fantastic.

"All you need is love" - The Beatles.